I've created another blog. Yes, I know, there are a lot of them. And I wasn't going to do it, but I feel compelled to, so I did. It's about patriarchy, heirarchicalism, and "complementarianism," those female destroying and female crippling beliefs that provide a fertile ground for the trash crop of abuse.
I have no desire to try to change the minds of patriarchicalists, nor any of the others who believe and teach that females aren't to be allowed equal access to opportunity. I don't mind if they believe something like that.
What I do mind is for both males and females to be victimized by those beliefs through ignorance. I also mind people outside those groups being victimized by the practices of patirarchicalists and other hierarchalists.
It has always bothered me to see good people denied what should be rightfully theirs, whether it's fairness in paying taxes, insurance costs, educational opportunity, or the right to protect their own bodies and souls from invasion and abuse.
It bothered me when, as a student in a Fundamentalist college, I watched my bright female fellow students marry boys who were not as bright as they were and then hand over their own decision making and freedom of choice to those boys because they'd been taught God required it. It bothers me to know how doing that abbreviated and reduced their opportunities to use the abilities God gave them.
And, it bothered me when someone on an email discussion list posted a link to a blog like the Bayly Blog, and I went there and read posts and comments that support a man's supposed right to restrict the women in his life in ways that will deny them an education, freedom of choice, and could deny them their health and life.
So, I thought, someone needs to create a place online to gather information and comment about groups and individuals who use religion to batter women and restrict their lives. Someone should do this, but who? Looks like it's me.
It's at http://www.tellville.com